2014年1月14日 星期二




Amitabha Sutra
Short Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra (Sanskrit)

姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什譯  Translated by Tripiaka Master Kumārajīva

如是我聞Thus have I heard。一時佛在舍衛國,祇樹給孤獨園Once the Buddha was dwelling in the Anathapindada Garden of Jetavana in the country of Shravasti。與大比丘僧,千二百五十人俱together with a large company of Bhikshus of twelve hundred and fifty members,皆是大阿羅漢They were all great Arhats,眾所知識: well known among people長老舍利弗Shariputra the elder、摩訶目犍連Mahamaudgalyayana、摩訶迦葉Mahakashyapa、摩訶迦旃延Mahakatyayana、摩訶俱絺羅Mahakaushthila、離婆多Revata、周利槃陀伽Shuddhipanthaka、難陀Nanda、阿難陀Ananda、羅侯羅Rahula、憍梵波提Gavampati、賓頭盧頗羅墮Pindola-Bharadvaja、迦留陀夷Kalodayin、摩訶劫賓那Mahakapphina、薄拘羅Vakkula、阿那樓馱Aniruddha,如是等諸大弟子etc., all great Shravakas;

并諸菩薩摩訶薩and with many Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas:文殊師利法王子 (such as) Manjushri Prince of the Lord of Truth 、阿逸多菩薩Bodhisattva Ajita、乾陀訶提菩薩Bodhisattva Gandhahastin、 常精進菩薩Bodhisattva Nityodyukta,與如是等諸大菩薩etc., all great Bodhisattvas。及釋提桓因等,無量諸天大眾俱and also with a large company of innumerable devas, (such as) Shakrodevanam-Indra, etc.

爾時,佛告長老舍利弗: Then the Buddha addressed Shariputra, the elder, and said「從是西方,過十萬億佛土,Beyond a hundred thousand kotis of Buddha-lands westwards有世界名曰極樂,from here, there is a world named Sukhavati其土有佛,In that world there is a Buddha號阿彌陀,Amitabha by name今現在說法。」 now dwelling and preaching the law

「舍利弗,Shariputra  彼土何故名為極樂?why is that country named Sukhavati? 其國眾生,無有眾苦,The living beings in that country have no pains 但受諸樂,故名極樂。」but receive pleasures only. Therefore, it is called Sukhavati

「又舍利弗。Again, Shariputra極樂國土,in the land Sukhavati七重欄楯,(there are) seven rows of balustrades七重羅網,seven rows of fine nets七重行樹,and seven rows of arrayed trees皆是四寶周匝圍繞,they are all of four gems and surround and enclose (the land) 是故彼國名為極樂。」For this reason the land is called Sukhavati.

「又舍利弗。Again,  Shariputra 極樂國土,in the land Sukhavati 有七寶池,there are lakes of the seven gems 八功德水,in which is filled water with the eight meritorious qualities 充滿其中,池底純以金沙布地。The lake-bases are strewn with golden sand 四邊階道,金、and the stairs of the four sides are made of gold  銀、silver 琉璃、玻璃合成。beryl, and crystal 上有樓閣,亦以金、On land there are stories and galleries adorned with gold 銀、silver 琉璃、beryl 玻璃、crystal 硨磲、white coral 赤珠、red pearl 瑪瑙而嚴飾之。and diamond 池中蓮花大如車輪,The lotus-flowers in the lakes, large as chariot wheels 青色青光、are blue-colored with blue splendour 黃色黃光、yellow-colored with yellow splendour  赤色赤光、red-colored with red splendour  白色白光,white-colored with white splendour 微妙香潔。」and (they are all) the most exquisite and purely fragrant.
「舍利弗。Shariputra 極樂國土,the land Sukhavati成就如是功德莊嚴。」is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.

「又舍利弗。Again, Shariputra 彼佛國土,in that Buddha-land 常作天樂。there are heavenly musical instruments always played on 黃金為地。gold is spread on the ground 晝夜六時,雨天曼陀羅華。and six times every day and night it showers Mandarava blossoms 其土眾生,常以清旦Usually in the serene morning. dawn all of those who live in that land 各以衣祴盛眾妙華,fill their plates with those wonderful blossoms 供養他方十萬億佛,and (go to) make offering to a hundred thousand kotis of Buddhas of other regions 即以食時,and at the time of the meal 還到本國,they come back to their own country 飯食經行。」and take their meal and have a walk.

「舍利弗。Shariputra極樂國土,成就如是功德莊嚴。」 the land Sukhavati is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.

復次舍利弗: And again, Shariputra「彼國常有種種奇妙雜色之鳥:in that country there are always various wonderful birds of different colors白鶴、swan孔雀、peacock鸚鵡、parrot 舍利、Chari迦陵頻伽、Kalavinka共命之鳥。and the bird of double-heads是諸眾鳥,晝夜六時,出和雅音。Six times every day and night all those birds sing in melodious tune音演暢五根、and that tune proclaims the Five Virtues五力、the Five powers七菩提分、the Seven Bodhi-paths八聖道分,the Eight Noble Truths如是等法。and other laws of the kind其土眾生,The living beings in that land聞是音已,having heard that singing皆悉念佛、all invoke the Buddha念法、invoke the Dharma念僧。」and invoke the Sangha.

「舍利弗。Shariputra汝勿謂此鳥,you should not think that these birds實是罪報所生,are in fact born as punishment for sin所以者何?What is the reason?彼佛國土,無三惡道。」(Because), in that Buddha-land there exist not the Three Evil Realms.

「舍利弗。Shariputra其佛國土,in that Buddha-land尚無惡道之名,there are not (to be heard) even the names of the Three Evil Realms何況有實。How could there be the realms themselves 是諸眾鳥,皆是阿彌陀佛,All those birds are what Buddha Amitabha 欲令法音宣流,變化所作。」miraculously created with the desire to let them spread the voice of the Law.

「舍利弗。Shariputra彼佛國土,(when) in that Buddha-land微風吹動諸寶行樹,及寶羅網,a gentle breeze happens to blow, the precious trees in rows and the begemmed nets出微妙音,emit a delicate enrapturing tune譬如百千種樂,同時俱作。and it is just as if a hundred thousand musical instruments played at the same time聞是音者,Everybody who hears that music自然皆生念佛、naturally conceives the thought to invoke the Buddha念法、to invoke the Dharma念僧之心。」and to invoke the Sangha.

「舍利弗。Shariputra其佛國土,that Buddha-land成就如是功德莊嚴。」 is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.

「舍利弗。Shariputra於汝意云何?what do you think in your mind彼佛何故號阿彌陀?」for what reason that Buddha is called Amitabha?

「舍利弗。Shariputra彼佛光明無量,the light of that Buddha is boundless 照十方國,無所障礙,and shining without impediments all over the countries of the ten quarters是故號為阿彌陀。」Therefore he is called Amitabha.

「又舍利弗。Again, Shariputra彼佛壽命,the life of that Buddha及其人民,and of his people無量無邊阿僧祇劫,is endless and boundless in Asamkhya-kalpas故名阿彌陀。」so he is named Amitabha.

「舍利弗。Shariputra 阿彌陀佛成佛已來,since Buddha Amitabha attained Buddhahood 於今十劫。」(it has passed) now ten Kalpas

「又舍利弗。Again, Shariputra 彼佛有無量無邊聲聞弟子,that Buddha has numerous Shravakas or disciples 皆阿羅漢,who are all Arhats 非是算數之所能知。and whose number cannot be known by (ordinary) calculation 諸菩薩眾,亦復如是。」(The number of) Bodhisattvas (cannot be known) also.

「舍利弗。Shariputra 彼佛國土,that Buddha-land 成就如是功德莊嚴。」is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.

「又舍利弗。Again, Shariputra 極樂國土,眾生生者,the beings born in the land Sukhavati 皆是阿鞞跋致,are all Avinivartaniya其中多有一生補處,Among them is a multitude of beings bound to one birth only其數甚多,and their number being extremely large非是算數所能知之,cannot be expressed by (ordinary) calculation但可以無量無邊阿僧祇說。」Only can it be mentioned in boundless Asamkhya-kalpas.

「舍利弗。Shariputra眾生聞者,the sentient beings who hear (this account) 應當發願,ought to put up their vow願生彼國,that they may be born into that country 所以者何?得與如是諸上善人俱會一處。」for they will be able to be in the same place together with those noble personages.

「舍利弗。不可以少善根福德因緣,得生彼國。」Shariputra, by means of small good works or virtues no one can be born in that country.

「舍利弗。Shariputra若有善男子善女人,if there be a good man or a good woman聞說阿彌陀佛,who, on hearing of Buddha Amitabha  執持名號,若一日、若二日,若三日,若四日,若五日,若六日,若七日,一心不亂,keeps his name (in mind) with thoughts undisturbed for one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days, or seven days其人臨命終時,that person, when about to die 阿彌陀佛,(will see) Amitabha Buddha與諸聖眾,accompanied by his holy host現在其前。appear before him是人終時,and immediately after his death心不顛倒,he with his mind undisturbed 即得往生阿彌陀佛極樂國土。」    can be born into the Sukhavati land of Buddha Amitabha.

「舍利弗。Shariputra我見是利,as I witness this benefit故說此言。I say these words 若有眾生,聞是說者,Every being who listens to this preaching 應當發願,生彼國土。」ought to put up their vow, with the desire to be born into that country.

「舍利弗。Shariputra 如我今者,讚歎阿彌陀佛,不可思議功德之利。as I now glorify the inconceivable excellences of Amitabha Buddha  東方亦有阿鞞佛、there are also in the Eastern quarters Buddha Akshobhya 須彌相佛、Buddha Merudhvaja 大須彌佛、Buddha Mahameru 須彌光佛、Buddha Meruprabhasa 妙音佛,Buddha Manjughosha 如是等恆河沙數諸佛,and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganges 各於其國,each of whom, in his own country 出廣長舌相,stretching out his long broad tongue 遍覆三千大千世界,that covers three thousand greater worlds completely 說誠實言: proclaims these truthful words 『汝等眾生,All you sentient beings 當信是稱讚不可思議功德一切諸佛所護念經。』」believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitabha).
「舍利弗。Shariputra 南方世界,in the Southern worlds 有日月燈佛、there are Buddha Candrasuryapradipa 名聞光佛、Buddha Yacahprabha 大焰肩佛、Buddha Maharciskandha 須彌燈佛、Buddha Merupradipa 無量精進佛,Buddha Anantavirya 如是等恆河沙數諸佛,and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganges 各於其國,each of whom, in his own country 出廣長舌相,遍覆三千大千世界,stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely 說誠實言:proclaims these truthful words 『汝等眾生,All you sentient beings   當信是稱讚不可思議功德一切諸佛所護念經。』」believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitabha).
「舍利弗。Shariputra 西方世界,in the Western worlds 有無量壽佛、there are Buddha Amitabha 無量相佛、Buddha Amitalakshana 無量幢佛、Buddha Amitadhvaja 大光佛、Buddha Mahaprabha 大明佛、Buddha Mahanirbhasa 寶相佛、Buddha Ratnala kshana 淨光佛,Buddha Shuddharashmiprabha 如是等恆河沙數諸佛,and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganges, 各於其國,each of whom, in his own country 出廣長舌相,遍覆三千大千世界,stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely 說誠實言:proclaims these truthful words 『汝等眾生,當信是稱讚不可思議功德一切諸佛所護念經。』」All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitabha).

「舍利弗。Shariputra 北方世界,in the Northern worlds 有焰肩佛、there are Buddha Arciskandha 最勝音佛、Buddha Vaishvanaranirghosha 難沮佛、Buddha Dushpradharsha  日生佛、Buddha Adityasambhava 網明佛,Buddha Jaliniprabha 如是等恆河沙數諸佛,and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganges 各於其國,each of whom, in his own country 出廣長舌相,遍覆三千大千世界,stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely 說誠實言:proclaims these truthful words 『汝等眾生,當信是稱讚不可思議功德一切諸佛所護念經。』」All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitabha).

「舍利弗。Shariputra 下方世界,in the Nadir worlds 有師子佛、there are Buddha Simha 名聞佛、Buddha Yacas 名光佛、Buddha Yashaprabhava 達摩佛、Buddha Dharma 法幢佛、Buddha Dharmadhvaja 持法佛,Buddha Dharmadhara 如是等恆河沙數諸佛,and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganges 各於其國,each of whom, in his own country 出廣長舌相,遍覆三千大千世界,stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely 說誠實言:proclaims these truthful words 『汝等眾生,當信是稱讚不可思議功德一切諸佛所護念經。』」All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitabha).
「舍利弗。Shariputra 上方世界,in the Zenith words 有梵音佛、there are Buddha Brahmaghosha 宿王佛、Buddha Nakshatraraja 香上佛、Buddha Gandhottama 香光佛、Buddha Gandhaprabhasa 大焰肩佛、Buddha Maharciskandha 雜色寶華嚴身佛、Buddha Ratnakusumasampushpitagatra 娑羅樹王佛、Buddha Salendraraja  寶華德佛、Buddha Ratnotpalashri 見一切義佛、Buddha Sarvarthadarsha 如須彌山佛,Buddha Sumerukalpa 如是等恆河沙數諸佛,and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganges 各於其國,each of whom, in his own country 出廣長舌相,遍覆三千大千世界,stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely 說誠實言:proclaims these truthful words『汝等眾生,當信是稱讚不可思議功德一切諸佛所護念經。』」All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitabha).

「舍利弗。於汝意云何?何故名為一切諸佛所護念經?」Shariputra, what do you think in your mind, why it is called the Sutra approved and protected by all the Buddhas?

「舍利弗。Shariputra 若有善男子、if there be a good man善女人,or a good woman  聞是經受持者,及聞諸佛名者,who listens to those Buddhas' invocation of the name (of Buddha Amitabha) and the name of this Sutra  是諸善男子、that good man 善女人,or woman 皆為一切諸佛之所護念,will be protected by all the Buddhas 皆得不退轉於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。and never fail to attain Anuttara-samyaksambodhi  是故舍利弗,For this reason, Shariputra 汝等皆當信受我語,all of you should believe in my words 及諸佛所說。」and in what all the Buddhas proclaim.

「舍利弗。Shariputra 若有人已發願、if there are men who have already made (vow) 今發願、are now making 當發願,or shall make  欲生阿彌陀佛國者,vow  with the desire to be born in the land of Buddha Amitabha 是諸人等,皆得不退轉於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,they never fail to attain Anuttara-samyaksambodhi 於彼國土,若已生、若今生、若當生。and have been born, are now being born, or shall be born in that country. 是故舍利弗,Therefore, Shariputra 諸善男子、a good man 善女人,or good woman 若有信者,who has the faith 應當發願,ought to offer up vow 生彼國土。to be born in that land.
舍利弗,Shariputra 如我今者,as I am now 稱讚諸佛不可思議功德,praising the inconceivable excellences of those Buddhas 彼諸佛等,so all those Buddhas 亦稱讚我不可思議功德,are magnifying the inconceivable excellences of myself 而作是言:saying these words: 『釋迦牟尼佛能為甚難希有之事,Shakyamuni, the Buddha, has successfully achieved a rare thing of extreme difficulty 能於娑婆國土,he has attained Anuttara-samyaksambodhi in the Saha world 五濁惡世,in the evil period of five corruptions -- 劫濁、Corruption of Kalpa 見濁、Corruption of Belief 煩惱濁、 眾生濁、Corruption of Living Beings 命濁中,and Corruption of Life 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。為諸眾生,說是一切世間難信之法。』」and for the sake of all the sentient beings he is preaching the Law which is not easy to accept.

「舍利弗。Shariputra 當知我於五濁惡世,you must see that in the midst of this evil world of five corruptions 行此難事,I have achieved this difficult thing 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,of attaining Anuttara-samyaksambodhi 為一切世間說此難信之法,and for the benefit of all the beings I am preaching the Law which is difficult to be accepted.  是為甚難。」This is how it is esteemed as (a thing of) extreme difficulty.

佛說此經已,The Buddha having preached this Sutra 舍利弗,Shariputra 及諸比丘,and Bhikshus 一切世間天人阿修羅等,and Devas, men, Asuras, etc., of all the worlds聞佛所說,who have listened to the Buddha's preaching 歡喜信受,作禮而去。believed and accepted with joy, made worship, and went away.